Our Society, Build Your Foundation

What has our society turned into? I can’t help but find myself looking around and shaking my head at where our society is headed, and I feel deep to my core that I am not alone. To be honest when I grew up I didn’t know what it would be like to “adult”. I had visions of what I thought it would look like, but this is not it. Never in my life did I think I would be seeing the things I am seeing, exploring the avenues I am exploring, or having to have “adult like” conversations with my 6- and 4-year-old. This world we live in have become so cruel. Being in the medical field the last 11 years has woken me to many things. I feel as a whole we have taken all that our history has taught us and we have thrown it out the window. From my view I see a society who has replaced worshiping God with worshiping money, to the point that many will sacrifice health, morals, values, family, relationship, and life in general.  I have seen medicine change right before my eyes, and as a medical clinician, not have the ability to question “the way” or even stand up for your own beliefs. We have become a society that wants to be heard but silences what they don’t want to hear.  A society who is ok with judging and putting others down. But if the mirror was reversed the true judgement and hurtful words would be a reflection they are hiding behind. A society who is not easily willing to learn from others yet they want you to learn from them. A society where the kids are parenting themselves or thinking they are the parents equal. We have allowed a world where technology can take us places, we’ve never dreamed, and yet we have done just that but in the negative direction. We live in a world where phones, computers, video games, fast food, and chat rooms have replaced home cooked meals, family conversations, outdoor play, and interaction with others all together. We are at an all-time high of suicide, obesity, health diseases, mental illness, and divorce yet not one wants to talk about it. We want to burry all the hurt and pain we are suffering in order to be better than our neighbor. This is not right! This is not how God intended on us living. Our families, our children, our health, our faith, and our minds are suffering. 


Our world is riding on the EGO (edging God out) and to be honest I was sucked into that world for far to long. I tried to fit in but it never really felt right. I had morals and values that were at my core, but I to threw them out the window to go unnoticed. I silenced my voice in order to avoid the name calling, being belittled, and told my views are wrong. Looking back this was the easy way. Through working in the medical field and now working as an energy healer I have come across so many who feel the same way. They feel silenced and even question their beliefs and values based on the person next to them. Again, this is not right! We are all here to learn from one another. To pave a way to greater pastures and living in harmony as one. To bring a slice of the Garden of Eden to this world on so many levels. I will not hold my tongue any longer and I will do this with grace, wisdom, love, and strength from the good Lord. As Jesus has paved the way for us, we shall follow. Some may agree with me while others may not, and that is ok. Just as I have an opinion so can you. I am not asking you to accept my opinion, all I ask is it is heard and respected. 


In my opinion we are to learn from our past in order to build ourselves to the highest version of who we can be. This includes learning from those who came before us. Our world has fought so many fights in order for the next generation to live free, in all forms. We have learned the hard times racism has caused and the hard fights on all ends, yet we continue to try to re-invent wheel and continue to fight. Why? This fight goes back centuries and we still cannot find a way to see everyone as equal. We continue to show up day in and day out putting others down based on the way they look, the color of their skin, or the beliefs they believe. Again, why? Our ancestors have fought for health care and have seen it improve over the centuries, only to start seeing the increase in health decline. I have seen individuals take medication to heal one area only to watch another decline. To me this is not health, this is a bad aide covering a sprung leak only to watch another pop up. The way we speak and view others is simply a crying shame. I have seen and witnessed the hurt and pain casted onto others in order to achieve what, burying your own hurt and pain? To justify what is inside of you? I am not going to lie I have been a part of this myself and I am ashamed of my words and actions. This is not the way we are to follow; this is the way of destruction. Technology is another beast of its own. People have lost the ability to communicate, unless it is behind a screen and they are big and bad. Bullying from not only kids, but adults has become the norm. If you do not agree with someone or even like them it is has become a game to tarnish them in any way. WHY? I never thought I would be having conversations with my kids at 4 and 6 about bullying and how to handle the words that hurt to the core. Nature instinct is to fight back, but once again not what we are here to do. Let me ask you, when did it become a norm for us to complain about out problems while drinking ourselves into a stumble allowing the truth of life to hit us in the face but we are so numb we can’t feel it or even face it. And for those who want to better themselves and step into their faith, healthy habits, and their truth are wrong. They are the outcast because living a happy life is so far-fetched, something has to be wrong with them. I was once told that, “I can’t trust someone who doesn’t drink.” These words have stuck with my not to judge, but to see what is behind them. I was once the person behind that drink. I hide from my hurt and pain following the norm. But why is this the norm? Why is it ok for us to continue to judge, drink our sorrows away, and put others down? Why is it that we throw others' past in their face and act like we are better than them? The truth is no one is better than the next. We are all created equally and have the same opportunities. We all have problems in this world, some are better at hiding them than others. 


Living in this world has been so hard to watch over the past few years. By stepping into my faith and starting to heal a road of hurt, pain, disappointment, and abandonment I have found my foundation, and He is built on strength that I never knew existed. As I have found the truth in life, I cannot help but want to scream this for the mountain tops. You are not meant to live in the misery our society has portrayed as normal. We are not supposed to hate one another, compete against the next, or even have the biggest bank account in the world. As I teach my littles about Jesus, God, and their faith I have opened a door for them to have a relationship with their faith on their terms. I have allowed them to find God and use his strength when they feel weak. In our home we see Jesus as an older brother who has experienced before us. We use his teaching to guide us along the way. In my eyes everything is figureoutable with a truthful present, your faith on your heart and sleeves, and you trusting your guidance from your creator. Using Jesus as our guide, how are we supposed to live? Let’s dive in shall we. We are to place all material things last and our faith and foundation first. When we honor the material, we lose sight of the truth. We compete to be the best compared to the next rather than competing to be YOUR BEST. Lean on your faith and find who you are, without the material. I always ask, if everything was taken away from you today what is your foundation you stand on? If it is money and fame, you will be in a lost world, do you see it? But if it is faith, love, happiness, morals, and values there is no one who can take that away from you. You can rebuild a life of material with the strong foundation you stand on. Respect is one thing we have lost along the way. Children have lost respect for their parents and to be honest adults have lost respect for all; including themselves. We are in a world where we will do anything to our bodies in order to be better. We will put others down in order to gain. This is not the way. We are to respect each and everyone’s opinion including our children’s. I know some may disagree with this, but let me ask you, how do you feel when your boss dictates to you rather than collaborating with you. A big difference, right? This is how we are to treat one another, even those little minds we are to mold and shape into beautiful humans. The future is in the hands of these littles. 


The respect for life is gone in this world. Going back to the material we have seen senseless murders and crimes for what, to get ahead? The respect for life these days is shameful, because there is none. People are perfectly ok with walking up to stranger and taking objects or even life for little to no gain in return. And we are allowing it. We have allowed man to be in control where God should be present. Heart breaking is all I can say. Let’s go to taking from your neighbors including their spouse. Marriage in our society has become a fashion label. It is all about the dresses, the big party, and out doing friends and family on the big day. What happened to the vows that are stated? Where is the love and commitment not only to your spouse but to yourself. To be loved and honored through good times and bad. The lack of honor, trust, and unconditional love has resulted in looking for greener pastures, it has become the norm. Once again leading people down a path of mistrust, hurt, and wall building in order to not let anyone in. This is a ripple affect that hurts on so many levels for so many people. 


When presented with hate or judgment you are to dig deep to your foundation and lean on God’s strength. You are to send love and healing to the ones who cast the hate or judgment, and work on your own hurt and pain if the sting is present within you as well. When questioned on your faith, morals, and beliefs you are not to prove, convert, or question back. You are to listen, learn, grow, and continue to be you, for you may teach along the way, just as Jesus did. You are to stay faithful to the right and rebuke the wrong. When questioned to help a neighbor you are to extend what you have in order to care and receive when it is your turn. You are not to hold what you have done for others over their head, or make them feel less than. We are built to be tribal, to help one another rise up. Again, this has been lost out of competition or because others believe they are deserving of your possessions. 


We are here to be of service to ourselves and others. Jesus did not only do for himself, but He did for those whom needed His help. He created a place of happiness, peace, and harmony everywhere he went. He was faithful to his Father and those who He came across. He never allowed others to define him, only staying on the path He was sent on. He preached, healed, gave freely, and performed miracles all while staying true to himself. He knew his purpose and he fulfilled this to the fullest. He did not look for a reward in the end, he simply looked to give hope, faith, and love to those He helped in attempt to spark the same within them. For when you help yourself you can help others. For those who do you wrong and betray you, are you to do the same to them? Are you to put them down and make them feel the same you do/did? No! You are to forgive them, just as Jesus forgave those who nailed Him to the cross, stoned Him, and told lies about who He was. Forgiveness is not for those who have done the harm, it is for you to learn and keep going. For just as Jesus said, “Father, forgive them, for they don't know what they are doing.” He didn't mean they didn't know they were putting a man to death or punishing an innocent. He was meaning that the hurt within them is so great they cannot see the truth which is present. Forgive them and allow them to see. Allow them to learn and grow from this. This is the same for those who hurt you. The hurt is so great within them they are blinded from the truth. Forgive and pray that one day they will see their hurt and heal themselves, as you continue to heal yourself. 


This world we live in is harsh. Everywhere we turn there is darkness, but don't forget there is also light, you must look for it. You are the light and no matter how dark times may get stay true to you. Build your foundation and know by showing up with your faith, love, and aspirations to be happy in all forms you will be led to your destination. There is a light at the end of the tunnel, and I am proof as I have found it. But I will tell you, if it was not for my strong foundation, faith, and unconditional love for myself and my creator I don’t know where I would be. No matter what your faith, your religion, or your beliefs, if you are of service to yourself and others you will find the light. Open your heart and your mind to listening to others. To learn something new and see things from a different vantage point. Also, don’t be afraid to state your truths in your world, because you never know who may need to hear it. Those whose words fall on deaf ears or judgement is casted may not be your people. Smile, pray, and keep moving. You will find your tribe. You will find the light in this world. Don’t dim to fit in, I did and it was way harder than finding your truth and your voice. This may feel foreign at first, but to be honest it is liberating. To see and feel others who are on a path to finding love and happiness in all forms is magical. Speak your truth, hear others' truth, and live the truth for this is where you will find your true happiness.

Sarah Larson