My journey from working in physical therapy to becoming a spiritual life coach for women

Hi friends, 

Have I told you about what brought me to the spiritual and energetic work that I do today? It has been one crazy journey leading here. My background in in health care. I practiced physical thereapy for over 11 years and I loved every part of it. Well, not every part but I loved it. One part I did not love was the lack of solutions my patients were receiving from traditional Western medicine. Don’t get my wrong, western medicine can be great and much needed at times, but seeing so many patients with chronic pain, fatigue, and illness was heart breaking for me to not only watch but be apart of. I choose the health care field becuase I wanted to help others gain their life back.

While in undergraduate I watched my sister gain her life back after a traumatic car accident, and it was from the hope of her Physical Therapist that pushed her. Right there I knew I was where I was suppose to be. I was going to help other become the best version of themselves, and I think I did a pretty good job throughout the years of practicting. Feeling helpless when it came to some of my patients I knew there was another way. I couldn’t accept the answers of “there is nothing else we can do for you”, “pain management is the last option”, or “here is some new medications, let’s see if this helps and we will go from there”. Ya’ll I felt hopeless and helpless all at the same time. I just couldnt digest that some people in this life will have to live with chronic pain, depression, anxiety, and other illnesses that there was no other answer besides we are done, or here are all the medications; take them without question and move on. 

These medications and lack of answers typically brought most of my patients even more down a rabit hole of no hope. Just adding to there diminishing mental and physical health. I thought that if I could start a business to help others fuel their bodies with proper nutrition and movement I could help so many. Oh man was I wrong. I was to help with this, but it goes much further leading me to the spiritual and energetic work I do today. I can remember a few years into my career asking God to guide me to where he wants me. That I am no longer pushing but I am ready to surrender. Well years past and my mind started opening up to new things. I stumbled upon reiki, which I knew nothing about. I was at the time working with my soulful business coach trying to get my health and fitness business going.

Little did I know that there was a plot twist in order. I was being called to work for the Lord. I was called to help others heal on a mind, body, soul level through holistic healing. It’s so funny to look back and see how my journey has led me here. I now use different tools and techniques that working in the healthcare feild has brought to my tool box. I was introduced to plant medicine over 5 years ago by a patient who was battling cancer and decided chemo and radiation was destroying his body while essential oils were building it back to life keeping him alive 2 years longer than doctors advised him when whe refused further treatment. I was introduced to reiki when placing my hands on a patient and not knowing the sensation I was feeling, and decided to dig deeper. I opened my mind to healing depression and anxiety through meditation, mindfulness, perspective shifting and more. I have found a way of life that I will sing from the mountains to share with the world, because it’s all natural and created for us to use. 

I have embraced a lifestyle that many will poke at or judge, and that is ok. I have surrendered my life to living and breathing the word of the lord and for that I am not apologetic. Happiness is my choice and I choose this life. I choose a life to serve others and help them become the best version of themselves along the way. I choose to see the medicine in the Earth that God has planted for us. I choose to follow a higher power over people in power. I choose me. My mission in this life is to help other Wake Up to there true self. To help heal themselves from the inside out creating a world of peace, happines, abundance, health, unity, and most of all love. If we are ok with taking drugs to alter our emotions, why aren’t we ok to try natural solutions like plant medicine, energy healing, mindfulness, and self control. I absolutely love what I do and giving up a career in western medicine to practice what I love was the best decision I could have made. I am finally walking in the purpose I came here for. To help and serve other to become the best version of themselves. 

If you are looking for more wholistic solutions for your physical, mental, or emotional bodies head to my link and see how I can serve you best.

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