Are you wearing a mask to please or prove yourself to others?

Are you wearing a mask to please or prove yourself to others? 

Years ago this question would have most likely triggered something within me to become defensive, shut down, or possibly turn the tables on the person asking the question. It was not until I dove into my own spiritual healing practice that I was able to discover so many masks that camouflage themselves so comfortably within my being. Without my conscious knowledge I would go within my energetic closet and pick a mask as if I was getting dressed for the day. Looking back I visualize my subconscious mind glaring in a closet filled with multiple hats hanging on the wall? I see myself glancing at them while asking…

Who did I have to show up as today? 

Who is everyone expecting?

How could I make everyone like me? 

Is this mask enough?

Does this match this person’s energy?

Will they reject this mask?

Will this mask make him stay?

Maybe this mask will make him see me as attractive?

No, this mask will allow her to know I am not competing against her!

I will 100% fit in with this one!

I can remember getting dressed and thinking similar thoughts but thought this was normal. I thought that by creating these images of me I was fitting in this world just as I was created to. But man was I wrong! By picking these masks I was fitting in all right. I created anxiety, depression, conflict, and chaos in my world, all the while asking myself, why? I could never figure out why the same situations, types of people, and emotions would come full circle over and over again. I can now see the cycles and patterns that I was living in. I was on a merry go round with the same shit. I would see different sites here and there, as I attempted to “heal”. I went to traditional counseling and barely cracked open the baggage that needed to be unpacked. (Please know I am not discrediting traditional counseling. It was where I first began this journey at a young age and what got me through. It’s where I recognized the change I needed; it was so necessary for my healing journey.) 

After saying yes to exploring more I began to unpack my suitcase throwing out each mask that I did not resonate with. I began to shine through little by little until I was cracked wide open; wearing the mask that fit me best, mine! I realized my early journey was filled with searching and trying to please others, while my journey now is filled with going within and trying to please myself. My happiness is created within me. I no longer have to search this energetic closet to see which mask I should wear. I now wear the one that fits just right. There are times I need to remind myself of the nasty pattern and behaviors mask sorting can bring to my life. I take the time to reflect on my happiness and create from this space. I realized that when I am happy, happiness is created in all aspects of my life. As like attracts like. I encourage you to sit with yourself to see which one size fits all masks you are holding in your energetic closet. Who are you “trying” to be rather just be yourself. Ask yourself, is this bringing me closer to me, or further apart? Begin to create yourself from the inside out, not the opposite. For when you search outward you lose yourself within the masks of others. Begin to heal and set yourself free. It truly is a beautiful place. 

If you are ready to dive in and begin removing these masks head to my website to book your discovery call. I have opened 3 1:1 coaching spots this month, and I am looking forward to helping these beautiful souls heal from the inside out.