Listening to your body's needs

I know many of you are starting the New Year with a new healthy lifestyle and I am so excited to join you. In years past I would start a new diet, exercise program, and restrict myself from all the things I thought I loved.

Well, this year is a bit different. This past year I really started honoring what my body was craving, through nutrition and movement. I became mostly vegetarian, but would eat seafood here and there. I began training for a half marathon, which is a goal I would love to achieve. It was towards the end of the year that it all fell apart. I sprained my ankle 2 weeks before the half marathon which was a really long recovery. I wanted to push through it but my body was a hard no, not even allowing me to walk long distances, (my body totally knows I am hard headed). I shifted focus and gave my body more meditation and yoga during this healing process. In December I came down with a cough and towards the tail end I was worried it was becoming pneumonia. Let me disclose here, I am in the medical field, but it takes me a really long time to seek medical attention. My body does not like medicine.I typically try the holistic route which usually works. This time I had to start medications, as I was not ready to go into the hospital. 

Can I tell you my body hated every minute of the medications. I became bloated, tired, upset stomach, and joint pain. No it was not COVID. To this day my body is not back on track, and like I said before, in past years I would be starting a new program and diet because it’s a new year. This year I am listening to my body. I am going deeper into honoring its needs. I will call in my  nutrition and movement intuitively giving my body what it is calling for. I am open  and accept all suggestions to getting my gut back in order after antibiotics.

This is going to be my health and fitness goals this year, to honor what is mine. To honor what makes me feel good.

What is your health goal for this new year?